Updates from the Parikh Lab
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November 23, 2020
Dani Gelardi has a blog post on the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) website addressing biochar, and her research in this area: Biochar, A Negative Emissions Technology.
November 19, 2020
The Western Center for Agricultural Health and Safety posted a news article on one of our recent publication: Research Highlight: Increasing Wildfires and Ash Pose a Health Risk to Farmworkers. The information for our article is below.
Wan, X., C. Li., S.J. Parikh. 2021. Chemical composition of soil-associated ash from the Southern California Thomas Fire and its potential inhalation risks to farmworkers. J. Environ. Management. 278(2): 111570. Temporary access.
November 13, 2020
Andrea Aguilera was awarded second place for her poster presentation at the Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Congratulations Andrea!
Aguilera, L., P. Green, C. Li, and S.J. Parikh. Changes in Rice Chemistry with Intermittent Irrigation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, November 9-13, 2020.
August 23, 2020
We had are excited about a couple of biochar review papers published in the last month with colleagues from around the globe!
Zhang, M., G. Song, D.L. Gelardi, L. Huang, E. Khan, O. Mašek, S.J. Parikh, Y.S. Ok. 2020.Evaluating biochar and its modifications for the removal of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate in water. Water Research. 186:116303. Temporary access.
Hassan, M., Y. Liu, R. Naidu, S.J. Parikh, J. Du, F. Qi, I.R. Willett. 2020. Influences of feedstock sources and pyrolysis temperature on the properties of biochar and functionality as adsorbents: A meta-analysis. Sci. Tot. Environ. 744:140714.
July 31, 2020
Dr. Daniel Bair and co-authors had their manuscript, from Daniel's PhD work, accepted for publication.
Bair, D.A., C.A. Anderson, Y. Chung, K.M. Scow, R.B. Franco, S.J. Parikh. 2020. Impact of biochar on plant growth and uptake of ciprofloxacin, triclocarban and triclosan from biosolids. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. In Press.
June 20, 2020
A paper was published from our USDA-NIFA grant to examine the how biochars can be used during composting to reduce nutrient leakage.
Wang, Z., S. Bakshi. C. Li, S.J. Parikh, S, Hsieh, J.J. Pignatello. 2020. Modification of pyrogenic carbons for phosphate sorption through binding of a cationic polymer. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 579:258-268.
June 7, 2020
Our paper examining the use of biochar to remediate crude oil impacted soils has been accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution.
Mukome, F.N.D., M.C. Buelow, J.S. Shang, J. Peng, M. Rodriguez, D. M. Mackay, J.J. Pignatello, N. Sihota, T. Hoelen, S.J. Parikh. 2020. Biochar amendment as a remediation strategy for surface soils impacted by crude oil. Environ. Poll. In Press.
May 6, 2020
April 10, 2020
Dani Gelardi has been awarded a 2020-2021 Dissertation Year Fellowship from UC Davis. Congratulations Dani, this is quite the honor!
March 31, 2020
March 25, 2020
Dr. Sarah Hafner's paper examining the abiotic transformation of monensin (antibiotic) via soil minerals has been accepted in a special issue, Advances in Agro-Environmental Organic Contamination, in Chemosphere. Congratulations Sarah!
Hafner, S.C. and S.J. Parikh. 2020. Sorption and abiotic transformation of monensin by iron and manganese oxides. Chemosphere. Accepted. 253, 126623.
March 19, 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, UC Davis has limited lab activity for only essential research. While our research is very important, we are winding down our activities for the time being. We will continue to evaluate the situation and conduct any essential research and open the lab back up for full use when it is deemed safe to do so.
February 25, 2020
Dr. Devin Rippner had another paper from his Ph.D. work accepted for publication today. His work on examining the use of CTAB on CuO nanoparticles and its toxicity to duckweed was accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment. Congratulations Devin!
Rippner, D.A., J. Lien, H. Balla, T. Guo, P.G. Green, T.M. Young, and S.J. Parikh. 2020. Surface chemistry induced copper oxide nanoparticle toxicity at sub-toxic copper concentrations. Sci. Tot. Environ. Accepted.
February 8, 2020
We are pleased to report that two papers examining the potential for magnetic biochars to be used for remediation of soils contaminated with arsenic and cadmium have been accepted for publication in the last month. This novel approach uses biochars with magnetic iron to bind the contaminants, which are then removed use an external magnet. The papers are listed below:
Wan, X., C. Li, S.J. Parikh. Simultaneous removal of arsenic and cadmium from soil by iron-modified magnetic biochar. Environmental Pollution. 2617:114157.
Wu. J., Z. Li, S.J. Parikh, D. Huang, X. Liu, J. Xu. Remediation of arsenic and cadmium co-contamination and its mechanism in soil by a novel calcium-based magnetic biochar. 2020. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387, 122010,
January 21, 2020
The CDFA (California Department of Food and Agriculture) published a blog on our FREP (Fertilizer Research and Education Program) funded biochar research to provide and update on our project and share some preliminary results. You can check it out here or via the url
November 15, 2019
Sanjai, Dani Gelardi, and Dr. Randy Dahlgren hosted a visiting delegation from Zhejiang University. While visiting a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between UC Davis and ZJU was signed to further facilitate collaboration and exchange of students and scholars. The afternoon featured the UCD-ZJU Joint Symposium on Soil-Plant-Microbial Interactions, with 14 speakers from UC Davis and ZJU.
November 10-13, 2019
Many members from the Parikh lab attended the ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings in San Antonio, Texas and a number of presentations were given. Sanjai has also served as the 2019 Chair for the Soil Chemistry meeting, in this role he organized symposia, numerous sessions, and was instrumental in planing the overall soil chemistry program for the conference.
Carrijo, D., C. Li. S.J. Parikh, and B. Linquist. Alternate wetting and drying irrigation to reduce arsenic and cadmium levels in rice. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 2019.
Rajput, S. D.A. Rippner, and S.J. Parikh. Positive and negative effects of biochar from softwood and coconut shell on lettuce growth and nutrition. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 2019.
Goglio, A. D.L. gelardi, D. A. Rippner, R. Berenguer, S.J. Parikh, and A Schievano. electroactive biochar amendment of anoxic soil: enhancing redox reactions and electron transfer to decrease GHG emissions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 2019.
Gelardi, D. L. C. Li. And S.J. Parikh. Wake up and smell the biochar:a potential new source of pm10 emissions and other airborne pollutants. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 2019.
Rippner, D.A. A.J. Margenot, L.A. Aguilera, AL. Chin, C. Li, H. Waterhouse, K.A. Dynarski, F.J. Barrios-Masias, L. Herdandez-Espinoza, P.G. Green, A.J. McElrone, S. Fakrra, D. Peak, S.J. Parikh. Nano- and micro- CuO translocation and Cu uptake in a soil-tomato system. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX, November 10-13, 2019.
October 17, 2019
Another paper from Zac Redman's doctoral work on the fate of the insecticide chlorantraniliprole was accepted for publication. The paper's in collaboration with Sanjai Parikh are:
Redman, Z.C, Tran, K.H. S.J. Parikh, K.H. Tran, and R. Tjeerdema, R. 2019. Influence of pH and Divalent Metals Relevant to California Rice Fields on the Hydroxide Mediated Hydrolysis of the Insecticide Chlorantraniliprole. J. Agric. Food Chem. In Press.
Redman, Z.C, S.J. Parikh, M. Hengel, and R. Tjeerdema. 2019. Influence of flooding and salinization on degradation of chlorantraniliprole in California rice field soils. J. Agric. Food Chem. 67:8130-8137.
September 15, 2019
Sanjai and Dani visited China Agricultural University, Zhejiang University, and Weifang Sino-US Food and Agricultural Innovation Center, sharing their research and working on collaborations. While visiting both gave research presentations.
Parikh, S.J. Evaluating Biochar for Agriculture and Environmental Applications. China Agricultural University. September 9, 2019.
Gelardi, D. C. Li, and S.J. Parikh. Wake up and smell the biochar: A potential new source of PM10 emissions and other airborne pollutants. 2019 ZJU-UCD Joint International Symposium on Soil-Plant-Microbe Interactions. September 12-14, 2019. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
Parikh, S.J. How Does Nanoparticle Size Impact Metal Availability to Plants and Soil Microbial Communities? 2019 ZJU-UCD Joint International Symposium on Soil-Plant-Microbe Interactions. September 12-14, 2019. Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
May 1, 2019
Our review paper on Biochar Dust Emissions was accepted to Science of the Total Environment! Dani Gelardi is the lead author and the paper was catazlyed by some of the work of Chongyang (Oliver) Li, who is also a co-author.
April 15, 2019
Congratulations to Dani Gelardi who was, once again, awarded the Beatrice Oberly and S. Atwood McKeehan Fellowship (for the 2019-2020 academic year).
November 12, 2018
Congratulations to Oliver (Chongyang), and co-authors, for having our paper on rice paddy management for reduced arsenic uptake accepted to Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.
Li, C. D.R. Carrijo, Y. Nakayama, B.A. Linquist, P.G. Green, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Impact of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation on Arsenic Uptake and Speciation in Flooded Rice Systems. Agric. Ecosyt. Environ. Accepted.
November 7, 2018
Alves, B.S.Q., L.A. Fernandes, W.R. Horwath, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Evaluating Cadmium Uptake in Spinach Using Biochar, Zing, or Compost. Agronomy Society of America Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. November 4-7, 2018.
September 20, 2018
Danielle Gelardi has been awarded the Llyod Brown Graduate Student Award and Soils and Biochemistry. Congratulations Dani!
September 14, 2018
Our paper looking at using pressurized liquid extraction has been accepted to the Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B.
Popova, I.E., M.J. Morra, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Pressurized liquid extraction of six tetracyclines from agricultural soils. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. Accepted.
June 26, 2018
Another paper from our USDA funded nanoparticle work has been accepted for publication. Nice work Andrew and team!
Margenot, A.J., D.A. Rippner, M.R. Dumlao, S. Nezami, P.G. Green, S.J. Parikh, and A.J. McElrone. 2018. Copper oxide nanoparticle effects on root growth and hydraulic conductivity of two vegetable crops. Plant and Soil. Accepted.
May 8, 2018
Devin Rippner has been awarded the 2018 Neal Van Alfen and James MacDonald Graduate Student Support Fund award from the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences. Congratulations Devin!
Update (7/12/2018). An article on this was published on the CAES website:
March 21, 201April 27, 2018
March 21, 2018
Congratulations to Dani Gelardi who was awarded two fellowships for the 2018-2019 academic year. The awards are 1) Beatrice Oberly and S. Atwood McKeehan Fellowship and 2) Robert S. and Lois Ann Loomis Graduate Fellowship. Way to go Dani!
February 14, 2018
Coming soon - a "movie" on using FTIR to study soil organic matter! Our submission to JOVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments) has been accepted for publication. JOVE publishes a print manuscript and an accompanying video to demonstrate the experimental methods. Andrew Margenot is the lead author of this study and he will commence with the video production process soon. Lights, Camera, Action!
Margenot, A.J., S.J. Parikh, and F.J. Calderon. Improving Infrared Spectroscopy Characterization of Soil Organic Matter with Spectral Subtractions. JOVE. Accepted.
February 8, 2018
The referenced study is: Margenot, A.J., D.E. Griffin, B.S. Alves, D.A. Rippner, C.F. Li, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Softwood biochar can be a substitute for peat moss in soil-free substrates without negative impacts on marigold growth. Industrial Crops and Products. 112:160-169.
February 7, 2018
There is a nice article on Andrew Margenot's work examining the use of phosphate rock fertilizer for soils in Kenya posted on the University of Illinois ACES web page:
The article is regarding the following publication: Margenot, A.J., R. Sommer, J. Mukalama, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Biological P cycling is influenced by the form of P fertilizer in a Kenyan Oxisol. Biol. Fert. Soils. 53:899-909.
January 8, 2018
We are pleased to welcome Xiaoming Wan to the lab as a visiting scholar for the next year. Xiaoming is an Associate Researcher in the Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing, China.
January 3, 2018
December 20, 2017
Chongyang (Oliver) Li's paper on the potential for biochar to be in the dust from tillage to agricultural fields has been accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment. Way to go Oliver!
Li. C., D.A. Bair, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Estimating Potential Dust Emissions from Biochar Amended Soils under Simulated Tillage. Sci. Total. Environ. 625:1093-1101. E-Prints.
December 4, 2017
Devin Rippner's paper examining the impact of dissolved organic matter on CuO nanoparticle toxicity has been accepted for publication in Environmental Pollution. Congratulations Devin!
Rippner, D.A., P.G. Green, T.M. Young, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Dissolved Organic Matter Reduces CuO Nanoparticle Toxicity to Duckweed in Simulated Natural Systems. Environmental Pollution. 234:692-698. E-Prints.
November 9, 2017
Today we learned that Andrew Margenot's paper evaluating methods for measuring soil enzyme activities has been accepted for publication in Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Nice work Andrew!
Margenot, A.J. Nakayama, Y., and S.J. Parikh. Methodological recommendations for optimizing assays of enzyme activities in soil samples. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. Accepted.
November 1, 2017
Gelardi, D.L., W.R. Horwath, D. Geissler, A.T. O'Geen, K.M. Scow, M. McGiffen, M. Leinfelder-Miles, and S.J. Parikh. Can Amending Soils with Biochar Improve Fertilizer Use Efficiency? 2017 FREP/WPHA Conference, Modesto, CA. November 1-2, 2017.
October 29, 2017
We conducted a group project with many members of the lab contributing throughout the process. In this research, we were seeing if we could replace peat moss in a potting mix with biochar for a more sustainable growth media. It turned out that we could do a full replacement and have no adverse growth effects, and that a partial replacement (mostly biochar) could be beneficial for marigold growth. Our efforts were rewarded with a paper accepted to Industrial Crops and Products.
Margenot, A.J., D.E. Griffin, B.S. Alves, D.A. Rippner, C.F. Li, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Softwood biochar can be a substitute for peat moss in soil-free substrates without negative impacts on marigold growth. Industrial Crops and Products. 112:160-169.
October 22-25, 2017
This week, members from our group attended the Soil Science Society of America (along with the Crop Science Society of America and the Agronomy Society of America) International Meetings in Tampa, Florida. We had a number of presentations. And very good news, in that Barbara Alves, Deirdre Griffin, and Devin Rippner all received awards for their presentations. Barabara placed 2nd place in the student competition for the Biochar Working Group in the Agronomy Society of America. Deirdre placed first in the Organic Management Systems community within the ASA Agronomic Production Systems section. Devin placed 3rd in the Soils and Environmental Quality Oral Presentation competition. Below are the presentations in which our group was involved.
Alves, B.S.Q, W.R. Horwath, and S.J. Parikh. 2017. Biochar As a Remediation Material for Agricultural Soils Elevated in Cadmium.
Bogie, N.A., A.A. Berhe, M.V. Schaefer, C.C. Avila, M. Abernathy. E.A. Dubinsky, A. R. Markelin, D. Rath, D. Brodie, S.J. Parikh. W.R. Riley, K.M. Scow, M.S. Torn, P. Nico, S.C. Ying, and T. Ghezzehei. 2017. Drought Resilience in Agricultural Systems: Interplay of Cover Cropping and Drip Irrigation to Improve Soil Aggregation and Hydro-Physical Properties.
Brevik, E.C., K.L. Vaughan, S.J. Parikh, H.A.S. Dolliver, D. Lindo, J.J. Steffan, D.C. Weindorf, P.A. McDaniel, M. Mbila, and S.E. Marshall. 2017. Which Academic Majors Are Enrolling Students in American Soil Science Classes?
Brevik, E.C., K.L. Vaughan, S.J. Parikh, H.A.S. Dolliver, D. Lindo, J.J. Steffan, D.C. Weindorf, P.A. McDaniel, M. Mbila, and S.E. Marshall. 2017. Enrollment Trends in American Soil Science Classes: 2004-2005 to 2013-2014 Academic Years.
Griffin, D.E., D. Wang, S.J. Parikh, and K.M. Scow. 2017. How Do Moisture Patterns in Subsurface Drip Irrigation Impact Soil Microbial Communities and Nutrient Transformations in Organic Systems?
Parikh, S.J., A.J. Margenot. D.A. Rippner, M.R. Dumlao, P.G. Green, and A.J. McElrone. 2017. Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Effects on Crop Growth and Root Hydraulic Conductivity.
Rippner, D.A., A.J. Margenot, P.G. Green, T.M. Young, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. 2017. Inhibition of Soil Respiration by Copper Oxide Nanoparticles is Controlled by Cu Availability across Management Systems.
Schaefer, M.V., C.C. Avila, M. Abernathy, N.A. Bogie, E.A. Dubinsky, A.R. Marklein, D. Rath, A.A. Berhe, E. Brodie, T. Ghezzehei, S.J. Parikh, W.J. Riley, K.M. Scow, P. Nico, and S.C. Ying. 2017. Impact of Cover Crop and Irrigation Method on Soil Organic Matter Composition and Distribution.
October 12, 2017
Our study (led by Ryan Davis and Julie Sutcliffe, Department of Internal Medicine at UC Davis) examining radiolabeled nanoparticle transport in lettuce is now online:
Davis, R.A., D.A. Rippner, S.H. Hausner, S.J. Parikh, A.J. McElrone, J.L. Sutcliffe. In vivo Tracking of Copper-64 Radiolabeled Nanoparticles in Lactuca sativa. Environ. Sci. Technol. DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b03333.
July 24, 2017
This week our lab had two papers accepted for publication:
Margenot, A.J., R. Sommer, J. Mukalama, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Biological P cycling is influenced by the form of P fertilizer in a Kenyan Oxisol. Biol. Fert. Soils. 53:899-909.
Menicucci, A.J., H.J. Spero. J. Matthews, S.J. Parikh. R. Thunell. 2017. Influence of Exchangeable Oxygen on Biogenic Silica Oxygen Isotope Data. Accepted.
July 1, 2017
Andrew Margenot has accepted a position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Crop Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Congratulations Andrew! Visit him at:
April 28, 2017
Yuhei Nakayama and Zaahir Howard presented their research at the 28th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Conference at UC Davis.
April 7, 2017
This week our lab had two papers accepted for publication:
Bair, D.A., I.E. Popova, K.W. Tate, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Transport of oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline, and ivermectin in surface runoff from irrigated pasture. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. In Press.
Anderson, C.G., G. Joshi, D.A. Bair, C. Oriol, G. He, S.J. Parikh, M.S. Denison, K.M. Scow. 2017. Use of nuclear receptor luciferase-based bioassays to detect endocrine active chemicals in a biosolids-biochar amended soil. Chemosphere. In Press.
April 6, 2017
Andrew Margenot and Sanjai Parikh both presented our lab's nanoparticle work at the American Chemical Society Meeting in San Francisco, CA.
Parikh, S.J., A.J. Margenot, M. Dumlao, D. Rippner, R.A. Davis, P.G. Green, J.L. Sutcliffe, A. McElrone. Examining the impact of copper oxide nanoparticles on carrot and lettuce growth and root hydraulic conductivity. American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 2-7, 2017, San Francisco, CA (Invited).
Margenot, A.J., S.J. Parikh. Impacts of copper oxide nanoparticles on soil enzyme activities across diverse ecosystems. American Chemical Society National Meeting, April 2-7, 2017, San Francisco, CA.
January 25, 2017
Our lab, along with Joe Pignatello at the Connecticut Agriculture Station, has been awarded a USDA-NIFA grant to study how biochars can be altered to increase nitrate and phosphate retention when composted with animal manures.
November 10, 2016
Our lab has been awarded a CDFA-FREP grant to study how biochar can be used to reduce nutrient loss in California Agriculture.
October 4, 2016
Congratulations to Deirdre Griffin for having her paper from the biochar plots at Russell Ranch accepted for publication!
Griffin, D.E., D. Wang, S.J. Parikh, K.M. Scow. 2016. Short-lived effects of walnut shell biochar on soils and crop yields in a long-term field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. In Press.
September 7, 2016
Andrew's paper has been accepted for publication in Soil Tillage Research.
Margenot, A.J., B.K. Paul, R. Sommer, M.M. Pulleman, S.J. Parikh, L.E. Jackson, S. Fonte. Can conservation agriculture improve P availability in weathered soils? Effects of tillage and residue management on soil P status after 9 years in a Kenyan Oxisol. Soil Tillage Research. In Press.
August 21, 2016
Our paper, with Daniel Bair as first author, has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental Quality.
Bair, D.A., F.N.D. Mukome, I.E. Popova, T.A. Ogunyoku, A. Jefferson, D. Want, S.C. Hafner, T.M. Young, S.J. Parikh. Sorption of Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metals, and Herbicides to Biochar in the Presence of Biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. In press.
July 28, 2016
Congratulations to Yuhei Nakayama for being awarded the 2016-2017 Howard Walton Clark Prize in Plant Breeding and Soil Building. This prize is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate student attending either UC Davis, UC Berkeley, or UC Riverside and recognizes scholastic achievement, talent for independent research, with particular reference to plant breeding or soil building.
July 13, 2016
Andrew Margenot has been named the 2016 recipient of the Lloyd Brown Award by the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group at UC Davis. Congratulations Andrew!
June 17, 2016
Devin Rippner has been selected to receive a number of awards for the 2016-2017 academic year. These include: 1) Donald G. Crosby Fellowship, 2) Bert & Nell Krantz Fellowship, and 3) UCD & Humanities Graduate Research Award. Congratulations Devin!
May 24, 2016
Congratulations to Andrew Margenot for being awarded the 2016 UC Davis Blum Center for Development PASS Award. The title of his project for this award is: Alleviating soil poverty traps in western Kenya by treating soil acidity with lime.
April 11, 2016
Have you seen the Smithsonian Exhibit "Dig it! The Secrets of Soil" ( It was in DC at the Museum of Natural History from July 18, 2008 through January 10, 2010 and is currently a traveling exhibit. Andrew Margenot and Katelinn Alldritt served as docents for the exhibit when it was in Sacramento. Based on their experience and activities with the exhibit they wrote up a paper which was recently accepted for publication in the Soil Science Society of America Journal.
A. Margenot, K. Alldritt, S. Southard, A. O'Geen. 2016. Integrating soil science into primary school curricula: Students promote soil science education with Dig It! The Secrets of Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal. In press.
April 7, 2016
Look for the new chapter from Andrew Margenot and co-authors in the book "Soil Phosphorous".
Margenot A.J., B. R. Singh, I. M. Rao, and R. Sommer. Phosphorus Fertilization and Management in Soils of Sub-Saharan Africa. In Soil Phosphorus. Ed. R. Lal. CRC Press: Boca Raton.
March 1, 2016
Maya Buelow's paper on the characterization of winery wastewater was named The 2016 Best Viticulture Paper by the American Society of Enology and Viticulture (ASEV). Congratulations to Maya and co-authors!
Buelow, M.C., L.C.R. Silva, K. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Characterization of Winery Wastewater for Reuse in California. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 66: 302-310.
The authors in the vineyard!
Photo credit: Karen Block, UC Davis, Department of Viticulture and Enology
January 6, 2016
Rongzhong Ye's paper was accepted for publication in Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment.
Ye, R. T.A. Doane, M.B. Espe, B. Linquist, S.J. Parikh, and W.R. Horwath. 2016. A soil carbon proxy to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from rewetted agricultural peatlands. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. Accepted.
September 28, 2015
Maya Buelow's M.S. work on reusing winery wastewater was released in a UCD press lease today:
Maya has done a couple interviews (KGO - San Francisco KGO, Capital Public Radio, Sacramento) this morning in response to the release.
September 22, 2015
Andrew Margenot's review paper on FTIR subtraction for analysis of soil organic matter has been accepted for publication in the Soil Science Society of America Journal. Great work Andrew.
Margenot, A.J., F.J. Calderón, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Limitations and potential of spectral subtractions in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of soil samples. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. Accepted.
September 19, 2015
Sarah's paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental for a special section on Antibiotics in Agroecosystems. A big congratulations to Sarah!
Hafner, S.C., T. Harter, and S.J. Parikh. Evaluation of monensin transport to shallow groundwater following irrigation with dairy lagoon water. J. Environ. Qual. Accepted.
September 18, 2015
Andrew Margenot has been named the recipient of the 2015 Neal Van Alfen and James MacDonald Graduate Student Support Fund Award through the College of Agriculture and Environmental Science (CAES).
September 8, 2015
Andrew Margenot has been awarded a Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group Fellowship. Congratulations Andrew.
August 31, 2015
Our entry to the third edition of Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry has been accepted for publication.
Margenot A.J., F.N.D. Mukome, F.J. Calderon, and S.J. Parikh. Soil analysis, applications of FTIR spectroscopy. In Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, 3rd ed. Elsevier.
June 5, 2015
Devin Rippner has been awarded the 2015-2016 Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award from UCD to support graduate research in engineering, computer sciences, and disciplines with engineering-related applications and methods. Way to go Devin!
April 15, 2015
Congratulations to Maya Buelow and co-authors for our paper being accepted to the American Journal of Enology and Viticulture.
Buelow, M.C., L.C.R. Silva, K. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. Characterization of Winery Wastewater for Reuse in California. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. Accepted.
March 12, 2015
Andrew Margenot has been selected as a 2015 Next Generation Delegate for The Chicago Council on Global Affairs’ Global Food Security Symposium 2015. Way to go Andrew! Information on the symposium is available at:
March 7, 2015
Congratulations to Engil and co-authors for having our paper accepted to Biology and Fertility of Soil.
Pereira, E.I.P, E. Suddick, I. Mansour, F.N.D. Mukome, S.J. Parikh, K.M. Scow, J.W. Six. Biochar alters nitrogen transformations but has minimal effects on nitrous oxide emissions in an organically managed lettuce mesocosm. Biol. Fert. Soils. Accepted.
March 3, 2015
Andrew Margenot's paper has been accepted for publication in the Soil Science Society of America Journal. Congratulations Andrew!
Margenot, A.J., F.J. Calderon, T. M. Bowles, S.J. Parikh, and L.E. Jackson. Soil organic matter functional group composition in relation to organic C, N and P fractions in organically managed tomato fields characterized by mid-infrared spectroscopy. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. Accepted.
February 9, 2015
February 4, 2015
Congratulations to Daoyuan Wang and co-authors for having our paper accepted to the Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B.
Wang, D., F.N.D. Mukome, D. Yan, H, Wang, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. Phenylurea herbicide sorption to biochars and agricultural soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. Accepted.
January 19, 2015
Maya Buelow's study on the how interactions between ions (K vs. Na) and soils of varying mineralogy impact soil hydraulic conductivity has been accepted for publication. Congratulations Maya!
Buelow, M.C., K. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. The Effect of Mineral-Ion Interactions on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity. Agricultural Water Management.152:277-285.
November 13, 2014
Our paper has been accepted for publication in Vadose Zone Journal.
Shaw, B.D., J.B. Wei, A. Tuli, J. Campbell, S.J. Parikh, S. Dabach, M. Buelow, and J.W. Hopmans. 2014. Analysis of ion and DOC interference on soil solution nitrate concentration measurements using UV absorption spectroscopy. Vadose Zone J. Available online.
November 7, 2014
Deirdre Griffin has been awarded first place for her poster in the Soil Biology and Biochemistry Division at the Soil Science Society of America Annual Meetings in Long Beach, CA. See her abstract and a link to her poster pdf at:
November 7, 2014
Rebecca Mulligan's paper has been accepted for publication in Pest Management Science! Congratulations Rebecca.
Mulligan, R.A., S.J. Parikh, R.S. Tjeerdema. 2014. Abiotic Partitioning of Clothianidin Under Simulated Rice Field Conditions. Pest Manag. Sci. Available online.
October 8, 2014
Congratulations to Andrew Margenot, Devin Rippner, Oliver Li, and Deirdre Griffin for being awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award from the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group.
October 1, 2014
Barabara Alves has joined our lab for her doctoral studies in the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group.
July 21, 2014
Andrea Aguilera has been award the Outstanding Student Researcher Award for the Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) for Mexican Students Program at UC Davis. Andrea is studying the binding mechanisms of bacteria to soil and soil minerals using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. Congratulations Andrea! You can also see a nice article about Andrea published on the UC Davis website at
July 21, 2014
Congratulations Melissa Suarez! Melissa's paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Forensic Science.
Suarez, M.D., R.J. Southard, and S.J. Parikh. Understanding variations of soil mapping units and associated data for forensic science. Accepted. J. Forensic Sci.
July 15, 2014
Congratulations to Fungai and our co-authors on having our paper accepted to Soil Science Society of America Journal!
Mukome, F.N.D., A.L.D. Kilcoyne, and S.J. Parikh. Alteration of biochar carbon chemistry during soil incubations: SR-FTIR and NEXAFS investigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 78:1632-1640.
April 23, 2014
Our paper has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces.
Parikh, S.J., F.N.D. Mukome, and X. Zhang. 2014. ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Evidence for Biomolecular Phosphorus and Carboxyl Groups Facilitating Bacterial Adhesion to Iron Oxides. Colloids Surf. B, Biointerf. Colloids Surf. B, Biointerf. 119:38-46.
April 15, 2014
The Smithsonian Soils Exhibit digging is coming to Sacramento and Andrew Margenot has been awarded a position as a Docent Coordinator for the exhibit! For more info on the exhibit please visit
April 1, 2014
Deirdre Griffin has been named as a recipient of a three-year National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship. Way to go Deirdre!
February 25, 2014
Deirdre Griffin has been awarded the Beatrice Overly and S. Atwood McKeehan Fellowship for the 2014-2015 Academic Year at UC Davis. Congratulations Deirdre!
January 27, 2014
Our invited review paper has been accepted for publication in Advances in Agronomy.
Parikh, S.J., A.J. Margenot, F.N.D. Mukome, F. Calderon, and K.W. Goyne. 2014. Soil Chemical Insights Provided through Vibrational Spectroscopy. Adv. Agron. 126:1-148.
January 6, 2014
Chongyang (Oliver) Li has joined our lab for his doctoral studies in the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group. Oliver recently completed his M.S. at in Environmental Engineering at UC Davis.
September 10, 2013
Congratulations to Andrew Margenot and Deirdre Griffin for being awarded the Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award from the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group.
September 9, 2013
Devin Rippner has joined our lab for his doctoral studies in the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group. Devin recently completed his M.S. at Virginia Tech. Prior to that Devin worked in Malawi for the Peace Corps.
August 23, 2013
Maya Buelow has submitted her M.S. Thesis to the graduate college. Congratulations Maya on completing your degree and putting together a terrific thesis.
June 14, 2013
Congratulations to Fungai and our co-authors on having our paper accepted to California Agriculture. Our paper presents an organic fertilizer testing protocol to flag samples which may have been adulterated with inorganic nitrogen sources.
Mukome, F.N.D., T.A. Doane, L.C. Silva, S.J. Parikh, and W.R. Horwath. 2013. Testing protocol ensures the authenticity of organic fertilizers. California Agriculture. 67: 210-216.
June 4, 2013
Sarah Hafner has received notification that she is awarded the Erika and Walter Jennings Graduate Student Fellowship for the 2013-2014 academic year. Congratulations Sarah!
May 17, 2013
Engil Pereira has been awarded the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. This award will allow Engil to work at ETH (Eidgenössiche Technische Hochshule) in Zürich, Switzerland for one year to finish her dissertation with her primary advisor, Johan Six. Congratulations Engil!
May 13, 2013
Andrew Margenot has been awarded a prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship from the U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Program. The U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security program is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to expand the pool of U.S. food security professionals who have the scientific base needed to effectively study and manage the global landscapes in support of sustainable food systems. Congratulations Andrew!
More information on this award program can be found at:
May 1, 2013
We are pleased to announce the release of the UC Davis Biochar Database! The idea for this database arose from this research conducted in the Parikh Lab at the University of California, Davis which aimed to determine trends in biochar physical and chemical properties based on feedstock source. The UC Davis Biochar Database was launched as an open-access resource to facilitate bridging this gap.
Please visit us, register, and participate at:
You can also visit, and "like" us at
April 25, 2013
Our paper examining the surface runoff of beef cattle pharmaceuticals has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Environmental Quality.
Popova, I.E., D.A. Bair, K.W. Tate, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. Sorption, Leaching, and Surface Runoff of Beef Cattle Veterinary Pharmaceuticals under Simulated Irrigated Pasture Conditions. J. Environ. Qual. In Press.
April 5, 2013
Sarah Hafner is awarded the 2013-2014 Donald Crosby Fellowship in Environmental Chemistry. This is the second time Sarah has been awarded this prestigious fellowship. Congratulations Sarah!
March 25, 2013
Congratulations to Sarah Hafner and Deirdre Griffin for both being awarded the UC Davis Humanities Graduate Research Award.
February 11, 2013
Our paper is accepted for publication in Geoderma.
Mukome, F.N.D., J. Six, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. The effects of walnut shell and wood feedstock biochar amendments on greenhouse gas emissions from a fertile soil. Geoderma. 200-201: 90-98.
January 22, 2013
Fungai's Paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry.
Mukome, F.N.D., X. Zhang, L.C.R. Silva, J. Six, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. Use of chemical and physical characteristics to investigate trends in biochar feedstocks. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 61:2196-2204.
We were also fortunate to have some papers accepted in December:
Mosse, K.P.M., J. Lee, B.T. Leachman, S.J. Parikh, T.R. Cavagnaro, A.F. Patti, and K.L. Steenwerth. 2013. Irrigation of an established vineyard with winery cleaning agent solution (simulated winery wastewater): vine growth, berry quality, and soil chemistry. Agriculture and Water Management.31:93-102.
Winter, S.E., M.G. Winter, M.N. Xavier, P. Thiennimitr, V. Poon, A.M., Keestra, R. Laughlin, G. Gomez, J. Wu, S.D. Lawhon, I. Popova, S.J. Parikh, L.G. Adams, R.M. Tsolis, V.J. Stewart, A.J. Bäumler. 2013. Host-derived nitrate boosts growth of E. coli in the inflamed gut. Science.339:708-711.
November 6, 2012
Daniel Bair is awarded First Place in the Poster Contest for Soils and Environmental Quality Division and the 2012 Soil Science Society of America National Meeting. The paper Daniel presented is:
Bair, D.A., I.E. Popova, K.W. Tate, and S.J. Parikh. 2012. Sorption, Leaching and Surface Runoff of Rangeland Veterinary Pharmaceuticals From Soil Boxes. Soil Science Society of America National Meetings. October 21-24, Cincinnati, OH.
October 10, 2012
Congratulations to Maya Buelow and Daniel Bair for each being awarded a Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award from the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group.
October 9, 2012
The Nature Education topic room on Soil, Agriculture, and Agricultural Biotechnology is now available. Sanjai is the editor of this topic room and developed the content through a series of peer-reviewed invited publications on the topic. There are currently 10 articles published in this room with an additional 5 articles in press. This is an ongoing project and additional articles will continue to be solicited. You can visit the topic room by clicking on the following url:
This topic room is part of the Nature Knowledge Project (from the Nature Publishing Group) which aims to create high-quality open source online educational materials for a worldwide audience.
August 22, 2012
Sanjai presents at the national meetings of the American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA..
Parikh, S.J., Examining bacteria-mineral interfaces with FTIR spectroscopy (Invited).
Information on the meeting available at
August 2012
Congratulations to Melissa Suarez for completion of her M.S. Degree in Forensic Science from UC Davis. Best of luck Melissa!
March 3, 2012
Ina Popova is selected to receive a travel grant to attend HPLC 2012 in Anaheim, CA (June 16-21). Ina's talk will be "Pressurized liquid extraction of chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline from soil with in-cell cleanup."
February 7-8, 2012
The Parikh lab presented their research at the 2012 Plant & Soil Conference in Visalia, CA. At the Conference Daniel Bair and Maya Buelow were awarded a co-first place prize in the student poster competition. Congratulations to them both!
Papers presented:
Bair, D.A., T.M. Young, and S.J. Parikh. 2012. Can Biochar Reduce Mobility of Pharmaceuticals in Biosolid Amended Soils? California Plant and Soil Conference, American Society of Agronomy, CA Chapter. Feb. 7-8, Visalia, CA.
Buelow, M.C., K. Mosse, G.S. Pettygrove, K.L. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. 2012. Free Potassium Fertilizer? Potential Problems with Land Applications of Winery Wastewater. California Plant and Soil Conference, American Society of Agronomy, CA Chapter. Feb. 7-8, Visalia, CA.
Parikh, S.J., F.N.D. Mukome, E. Suddick, E.I.P. Pereira, E. Verhoeven, and J.W. Six. 2012. Investigating Potential Benefits of Soil Biochar Amendments. Plant and Soil Conference, American Society of Agronomy, CA Chapter. Feb. 7-8, Visalia, CA.
January 5, 2012
Congratulations to both Maya Buelow and Daniel Bair for each being awarded a Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award. Daniel was also awarded a Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Student Grant.
October 15, 2011
Sarah Hafner is awarded the White Family Graduate Student Award through the John Muir Institute for the Environment for her project entitled "Fate and Transport of Veterinary Antibiotics at a California Dairy". "
Sarah is also awarded a Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Award. Congratulations Sarah!
September 27, 2011
Dr. Ina Popova has joined the lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow to study the transport of veterinary antibiotics in irrigated rangeland. Ina completed her PhD at the University of North Dakota (Analytical and Physical Chemistry) and most recently was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Oklahoma State University where she studied the sorption of pharmaceuticals and pesticides in soil.
July 15, 2011
Congratulations to Daniel Bair. Danny was awarded a Graduate Student Researcher traineeship from the Superfund Research Program at UC Davis for the Fall 2011 quarter. For this award, Danny will study the fate of pharmaceuticals from biosolids which are land applied.
July 1, 2011
Sanjai's paper is accepted to Nature Education Knowledge for the new Environmental Science area in the Soil, Agriculture, and Agricultural Biotechnology topic room on Scitable (coming soon:
Parikh, S.J., and B.R. James. 2011. Soil: The Foundation of Agriculture. Nature Education Knowledge. In Press.
June 5, 2011
Lina Bachert has completed her M.S. Thesis. The title of her thesis is "Occurrence and analysis of common veterinary antibiotics in shallow groundwater impacted by fertigation." Congratulations to Lina on a job well done!
April 29, 2011
Xiaoming Ellen Zhang presented a poster, "Is Biochar Good for Soil?", at the 2011 Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference.
Information available at
April 6, 2011
Congratulations to Sarah Hafner for being awarded a 2011-12 Donald Crosby Fellowship in Environmental Chemistry.
March 16, 2011
Congratulations to Sarah Hafner for being awarded a 2011-12 UC Davis Graduate Research Fellowship.
December 21, 2010
Sanjai's paper is accepted to Langmuir.
Parikh, S.J., J.D. Kubicki, C.M. Jonsson, C.L. Jonsson, R.M. Hazen, D.A. Sverjensky, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Evaluating Glutamate and Aspartate Binding Mechanisms to Rutile (α-TiO2) via ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations. Langmuir. 27:1778-1787.
December 17, 2010
Sanjai presents at the national meetings of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, CA.
Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafferty, T.G. Meade, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. The benefits of competition: Rapid-scan FTIR reveals that goethite enhances initial As oxidation via Mn-oxides (Invited).
Information on the meeting available at:
December 14, 2010
Congratulations to Allie Jefferson for being awarded a Kearney Undergraduate Research Fellowship. For her research, Allie will examine the binding of various heavy metals to biochar.
October 31 - November 3, 2010
Five members of the lab group attended the SSSA National meetings in Long Beach CA. Poster presentations were given by Fungai Mukome, Sarah Hafner, Danny Bair, and Melissa Suarez. Information on the meeting and to view presentations please visit:
October 11, 2010
Congratulations to Danny Bair for being awarded a 2010-2011 Henry A. Jastro Research Award.
September 7, 2010
Lina Bachert has joined our research group to conduct her M.S. research. Lina is a student at The University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) and will be here for 6 months to examine antibiotic transport in the Central Valley. Lina will be working with both Sanjai and Thomas Harter.
September 1, 2010
Allie Jefferson has joined the lab for an internship. Allie is an undergraduate student at UCD and will be helping out with our winery effluent project.
July 7, 2010
Melissa Suarez was awarded the California Association of Criminalists (CAC) Scholarship! Melissa will use the award to continue her research evaluating the use of NRCS Soil Survey information for forensic science investigations. In this research, Melissa is comparing a range of soil physical and chemical properties within a given soil map unit and to soils within adjacent map units. Congratulations Melissa!
July 6, 2010
Maya Buelow joins the lab group. Maya is starting her M.S. program in the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group. Her research project (w/ Sanjai and Kerri Steenwerth) will be to examine the effects of recycling winery effluent (high K) for irrigation on soil properties and wine grapes.
May 10, 2010
Congratulations to Toby O'Geen et al. for their review paper being accepted for publication in Advances in Agronomy (Sanjai is a co-author).
O’Geen, A.T., R. Budd, J. Gan, J.J. Maynard, S.J. Parikh, and R.A. Dahlgren. 2010. Mitigating Non-Point Source Pollution in Agriculture with Constructed and Restored Wetlands. Adv. Agron. 108:1-76.
April 26, 2010
Congratulations to Mengqiang Zhu at the University of Delaware for having his paper accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology (Sanjai is a co-author).
Zhu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, X.H. Feng, B. Ravel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Cation effects on layer-structure of biogenic Mn-oxides.In Press: Enivron. Sci. Technol.
April 7, 2010
Final LAWR Seminar of the 2010 Seminar Series. The full schedule available at:
April 2, 2010
Chris Alaimo joins the lab group. Chris is a Staff Research Associate and will be primarily working on the detection of antibiotics via LC-MS.
April 1, 2010
Sanjai's paper is accepted to Environmental Science and Technology.
Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafferty, T.G. Meade, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Evaluating environmental influences on AsIII oxidation kinetics by a poorly crystalline Mn-oxide. Enivron. Sci. Technol. 44:3772-3778.
March 4, 2010
Congratulations to Xionghan Feng (Huazhong Agricultural University) for having his paper accepted for publication in Geochmica et Cosmochimica Acta (Sanjai is a co-author).
Feng, X.H., M. Zhu, M. Ginder-Vogel, C. Ni, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation of Nano-crystalline todorokite-like phase from biogenic Mn oxides. Geochim. Cosmochmic. Acta. 74:3232-3245.
January 14, 2010
Sanjai, Kerri Steenwerth, and Stu Pettygrove awarded a Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Grant (Effects of K-rich Irrigation Water on Soil Properties and Grape Vine Health).
January 7, 2010
Dr. Fungai Mukome has joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow to study the effect of biochar soil amendments on N-cycling and C sequestration/stabilization. Fungai recently completed his doctoral work at the University of Portland.
December 1, 2009
Congratulations to Masayuki Shimizu at the University of Delaware for having his paper accepted for publication in Environmental Science and Technology (Sanjai is a co-author).
Shimizu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Molecular scale assessment of methylarsenic sorption on aluminum oxide. Enivron. Sci. Technol. 44:612-617.
November 25, 2009
Sanjai has been awarded a Junior Faculty Award from the California Nitrogen Assessment Team at the Agricultural Sustainability Institute to study the influence of biochar on the soil N-cycle, C sequestration, and stabilization with soil minerals. The financial support for this award comes from the Davis & Lucile Packard Foundation.
November 3, 2009
Sanjai presented a poster ("Environmental Influences on Mn-Oxide Catalyzed Arsenic Oxidation") at the 2009 SSSA National Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA. For information on the conference please visit the meeting website at
September 3, 2009
There was a workshop at UCD on September 3, 2009 entitled "Probing the Atomic Scale: Lessons Learned from X-ray Applications to Environmental Science." The keynote speaker was Dr. Donald L. Sparks from the University of Delaware. For more information please visit the workshop webpage at
September 1, 2009
Daniel Bair and Sarah Hafner have joined the Environmental Soil Chemistry Group at UC Davis. Daniel completed his M.S. at Brigham Young and has started his Ph.D. studies in the Soils and Biogeochemistry Graduate Group. Sarah finished her B.S. and the University of Georgia and is pursuing her Ph.D. in the Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group
August 12, 2009
Congratulations to Niloufar Ghazal for being awarded the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Research Fellowship for the 2009-2010 academic year. Nellie will be investigating the sorption of veterinary antibiotics to soil minerals.
June 12, 2009
Congratulations to Ellen Zhang for being awarded the Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Summer Research Fellowship. Ellen will be investigating the binding mechanisms of various phosphate containing biomolecules to Fe-oxides.
June 4, 2009
Sanjai was awarded grant from the UC Davis Committee on Research (Small Grant in Aid of Research) to study hormone and antibiotic transport in the Central Valley, CA.
April 21, 2009
Sanjai gave a presentation at the Agriculture and Environmental Chemistry Graduate Group Seminar on May 4, 2009 in 230 Wellman Hall at 4pm. The title of his talk was "Arsenic Biogeochemistry in Soil."
January 2, 2009
Sanjai and Thomas Harter awarded a Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Grant (A Multiscale Investigation of Monensin Sorption, Facilitated Transport, and Abiotic Degradation in Soil).