Publications are listed below and also available on Google Scholar and ResearchGate.
Peer Reviewed (115)
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Tsang, D., Z. Xu, Y. Zhang, N. Graham, S.J. Parikh, X. Xu, X. Cao, Y.S. Ok, S. Shaheen, and J. Rinklebe. 2025. Reducing Environmental Burden of Electroplating Wastewater Treatment by Ternary Cooperation of Zero-valence Iron, Manganese, and Graphitic Biochar. Communications Materials. Accepted.
Gelardi, D.L., P.A. Lazicki, D.Rath, M.M. Leinfelder-Miles, K.M. Scow, D.J. Geisseler, S.J. Parikh. 2025. Three-year field trials with seven biochars reveal minor changes in soil chemical properties but no impact on crop yield. Field Crops Res. 325:109807. Open Access.
Kumar, A. W.A. Shaikh, H.M. Maqsood, S.J. Parikh, J.K. Biswas. 2025. Harnessing sustainable biochar-based composites for effective PFAS removal from wastewater. Current Opinion in Environmental Sci. & Health. 2025:100594.
Zhang, T., Y Sun, S.J. Parikh, G. Colinet, G. Garland, L. Huo, N. Zhang, H. Shan, X. Zeng, S. Su. 2024. Water-fertilizer regulation drives microorganisms to promote iron, nitrogen and manganese cycling: a solution for arsenic and cadmium pollution in paddy soils. J. Haz. Mater. 2024:135244.
Margenot, A.J., D.A. Rippner, P.G. Green, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. 2024. The importance of counterion effects of anion controls of copper oxide nanoparticles for assessing soil biological responses. Soil Environ. Health, 2:100094.
Gelardi, D.L., D. Rath, A. Barbour, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. 2024. Biochar influences soil health but not yield in three-year processing tomato field trials. Soil Sci. Soc Am. J., 88:1386-1404. Open Access.
Zandvakili, O., A.V. Barker, M. Hashemi, S.J. Herbert, and S.J. Parikh. 2024. Enhancing nitrate and ammonium recovery from lettuce leaves: evaluating the impact of cultivation practices and chemical extractants. J. Plant Nutrition. 1-9.
Bonnar, D.J., J.P. Eichler, S.J. Parikh, A. Blandino, R.A. Lybrand, M.J. Hengel, and R.S. Tjeerdema. 2023. The Soil-Water Partitioning Behavior of Oxyfluorfen Under California Rice Field Conditions. ACS Agric. Sci. Technol. 3, 12, 1169–1176.
Waller, A., T.J. Swanson, Z. Wang, J.J. Pignatello, W. Elmner, C. Musante, and S.J. Parikh. 2023. Modified biochars reduce leaching while maintaining bioavailability of phosphate to dragoon lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in potting tests. ACS Agric. Sci. Technol. 3, 11, 1103–1112.
Margenot, A.J., S.J. Parikh, and F.C. Calderon. 2023. Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy for soil organic matter (SOM) analysis. Soil Sci. Amer. J., 00, 1-26. DOI: 10.1002/saj2.20583
Cunningham, P.R., P.G. Green, S.J. Parikh, John T. Harvey, and S.A. Miller. 2023. Engineering the performance of post-consumer calcium carbonate from carpet in cement-based materials through pre-treatment methods. Constr. Build. Mater. 368:130451. Open Access.
Li, H.-H., M.T.-K. Tsui, P. Ku, H. Chen, Z. Yin. R.A. Dahlgren, S.J. Parikh, J. Wei, T.C. Hoang, A.T. Chow, Z. Cheng., and X.-M. Zhu. 2022. Impacts of forest fire ash on aquatic mercury cycling. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56:11835-11844.
Carrijo, D.R., G.T. LaHue, S.J. Parikh, R.L. Chaney, and B.A. Linquist. 2022. Mitigating the accumulation of arsenic and cadmium in rice grain: a quantitative review of the role of water management. Sci. Tot. Environ. 839:156245.
Palansooriya, K.N., L. Shi, B. Sarkar, S.J. Parikh, M.K. Sang, S.-R. Lee, and Y.S. Ok. 2022. Effect of LDPE Microplastics on Chemical Properties and Microbial Communities in Soil. Soil Use and Management. 38(44):1481-1492.
Rath, D., N. Bogie, L. Deiss, S.J. Parikh, D. Wang, S. Ying, N. Tautges, A.A. Berhe, and K.M. Scow. 2022. Synergy between compost and cover crops leads to increased subsurface soil carbon storage. SOIL. 8:59-83. Open Access.
Zhang, M., K. Lin, X. Li, L. Wu, J. Yu, S. Cao, D. Zhang, L. Xu, S.J. Parikh, Y.S. Ok. 2022. Removal of phosphate from water by paper mill sludge biochar. Environ. Poll. 293:118521.
Zhang, M., R. Sun, G. Song, L. Wu, H. Ye, S.J. Parikh, T. Nguyen, E. Khan, M, Vithanage, Y.S. Ok. 2022. Enhanced removal of ammonium from water using sulfonated reed waste biochar-A lab-scale investigation. Environ. Poll. 292:118412.
Gelardi, D.L., I.H. Ainuddin, D.A. Rippner, J.E. Patiño, M.A. Najm, and S.J. Parikh. 2021. Biochar alters hydraulic conductivity and impacts nutrient leaching in two agricultural soils. SOIL. 7:811-825. Open Access.
Rippner, D.A., A.J. Margenot, S.C. Fakra, L.A. Aguilera, C. Li, J. Sohng, K.A. Dynarski, H. Waterhouse, N. McElroy, J. Wade, S.R. Hind, P.G. Green, D. Peak, A.J. McElrone, N. Chen, R. Feng, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. Microbial response to copper oxide nanoparticles in soils is controlled by land use rather than copper fate. Environ. Sci: Nano. DOI: 10.1039/D1EN00656H
Finney, T.J., S.J. Parikh, A. Berman, D.Y. Sasaki, and T.L. Kuhl. 2021. Characterizing and Tuning the Properties of Polydiacetylene Films for Sensing Applications. Langmuir. 37:12940-12951.
Mukhopadhyay,R., B Sarkar, K.N. Palansooriya, J.Y. Dar, N.S. Bolan, S.J. Parikh, C. Sonne, and Y.S. Ok. 2021. Natural and engineered clays and clay minerals for the removal of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances from water: State-of-the-art and future perspectives. Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 297:102537.
Gelardi, D.L., S.J. Parikh. 2021. Soil and Beyond: Optimizing Sustainability Opportunities for Biochar. Sustainability. 13:10079. Open access. (Invited)
Yu, M., W. Su, L, Juang, S.J. Parikh, C. Tang, R.A. Dahlgren, J. Xu. 2021. Bacterial community structure and putative nitrogen-cycling functional traits along a charosphere gradient under waterlogged conditions. Soil Biol. Biochem. 162:108420.
Hassan, M. A.K. Deb, F Qi Y. Liu, J. Du, A.Fahy, M.A. Ahsan, S.J. Parikh, R. Naidu. 2021. Magnetically separable mesoporous alginate polymer beads assist adequate removal of aqueous methylene blue over broad solution pH. J. Cleaner Prod. 319:128694.
Li, C., Z. Wang, S. Bakshi, J.J. Pignatello, and S.J. Parikh. 2021.Evaluation of select biochars and clays as supports for phytase to increase the fertilizer potential of animal wastes. Sci. Tot. Environ. 787:147720.
Li, C., D.A. Rippner, L.P. Manavalan, and S.J. Parikh. 2021. Evaluation of Bacillus Seed Coatings on Soybean Phosphorus Uptake in an Oxisol Fertilized with 32P-labeled Hydroxyapatite. Plant Soil. 464:273-287.
Cheng, J., Q. Ye, Z. Lu, J. Zhang, L. Zeng, S.J. Parikh, W. Ma, C. Tang, J. Xu, Y. He. 2021. Quantification of the sorption of mineral to organic pollutants by improved mathematic model accounting for associations between mineral and soil organic matter, Environ. Poll. 280:116991.
Yu, M., W. Su, S.J.Parikh, and J. Xu. 2021. Intact and washed biochar caused different patterns of nitrogen transformation and distribution in a flooded paddy soil. J. Cleaner Prod. 293:126529.
Santos-Medellin, C., L. Zinke, A. ter Horst, D. Gelardi, S.J. Parikh, and J. Emerson. 2021. Viromes outperform total metagenomes in revealing the spatiotemporal patterns of agricultural soil viral communities. ISME Journal. 15:1956-1970.
Durrer, A., A.J. Margenot, L.C.R. Silva, B.J.M. Bohannan, K. Nusslein, J. van Haren, F.D. Andreote, S.J. Parikh, and J.L.M. Rodrigues. 2021. Beyond total carbon: conversion of Amazon forest to pasture alters indicators of soil C cycling. Biogeochemistry. DOI: 10.1007/s10533-020-00743-x.
Alves, B.S.Q., K.P.S. Zelaya, F. Colen, L.A. Frazao, A. Napoli, S.J. Parikh, and L.A. Fernandes. 2021. Effects of sewage sludge and sugarcane bagasse biochars on soil properties and in sugar beet production. Pedosphere. 31:572-582.
Wan, X., C. Li., S.J. Parikh. 2021. Chemical composition of soil-associated ash from the Southern California Thomas Fire and its potential inhalation risks to farmworkers. J. Environ. Management. 278(2):111570.
Zhang, M., G. Song, D.L. Gelardi, L. Huang, E. Khan, O. Mašek, S.J. Parikh, Y.S. Ok. 2020. Evaluating biochar and its modifications for the removal of ammonium, nitrate, and phosphate in water. Water Research. 186:116303.
Bair, D.A., C.A. Anderson, Y. Chung, K.M. Scow, R.B. Franco, S.J. Parikh. 2020. Impact of biochar on plant growth and uptake of ciprofloxacin, triclocarban and triclosan from biosolids. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 55:11, 990-1001.
Hassan, M., Y. Liu, R. Naidu, S.J. Parikh, J. Du, F. Qi, I.R. Willett. 2020. Influences of feedstock sources and pyrolysis temperature on the properties of biochar and functionality as adsorbents: A meta-analysis. Sci. Tot. Environ. 744:140714.
Wang, Z., S. Bakshi. C. Li, S.J. Parikh, S, Hsieh, J.J. Pignatello. 2020. Modification of pyrogenic carbons for phosphate sorption through binding of a cationic polymer. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 579:258-268.
Mukome, F.N.D., M.C. Buelow, J.S. Shang, J. Peng, M. Rodriguez, D. M. Mackay, J.J. Pignatello, N. Sihota, T. Hoelen, S.J. Parikh. 2020. Biochar amendment as a remediation strategy for surface soils impacted by crude oil. Environ. Poll. 265:115006.
Hafner, S.C. and S.J. Parikh. 2020. Sorption and abiotic transformation of monensin by iron and manganese oxides. Chemosphere. 253, 126623.
Rippner, D.A., J. Lien, H. Balla, T. Guo, P.G. Green, T.M. Young, and S.J. Parikh. 2020. Surface modification induced cuprous oxide nanoparticle toxicity to duckweed at sub-toxic metal concentrations. Sci. Tot. Environ. 722, 137607.
Wan, X., C. Li, S.J. Parikh. 2020. Simultaneous removal of arsenic and cadmium from soil by iron-modified magnetic biochar. Environmental Pollution. 2617, 114157.
Wu. J., Z. Li, S.J. Parikh, D. Huang, X. Liu, J. Xu. 2020. A novel calcium-based magnetic biochar is effective in stabilization of arsenic and cadmium co-contamination in aerobic soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 387, 122010.
Amoakwah E., E. Arthur, K. Frimpong, S.J. Parikh, and R. Islam. 2020. Soil organic carbon storage and quality is impacted by corn cob biochar application on a tropical sandy loam. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20:1960-1969.
Schaefer, M., N. Bogie, D. Rath, A. Marklein, A. Garniwan, T. Haensel, Y. Lin, C. Avila, P. Nico, K.M. Scow, E. Brodie, W. Riley, M. Fogel, A. Berhe, T. Ghezzehei, S.J. Parikh, M. Keiluweit, S. Ying. 2020. Effect of cover crop on carbon distribution in size and density separated soil aggregates. Soil Systems. 4(1), 6.
Redman, Z.C, K.H. Tran, S.J. Parikh, and R. Tjeerdema. 2019. Influence of pH and Divalent Metals Relevant to California Rice Fields on the Hydroxide Mediated Hydrolysis of the Insecticide Chlorantraniliprole J. Agric. Food Chem. 67:12402-12407.
Redman, Z.C, S.J. Parikh, M. Hengel, and R. Tjeerdema. 2019. Influence of Flooding and Salinization on Degradation of Chlorantraniliprole in California Rice Field Soils. J. Agric. Food Chem. 67: 8120-8137.
Gelardi, D.L., C. Li, and S.J. Parikh. 2019. An emerging environmental concern: Biochar-induced dust emissions and their potentially toxic properties. Sci. Tot. Environ. 678:813-820.
Almasari, F. H.A. Ajwa. S.J. Parikh, and K. Al-Khatib. 2019. Soil Mobility of Allyl Isothiocyanate and Chloropicrin as Influenced by Surfactants and Soil Texture. HortScience. 54:706-714.
Wang, D. C. Li, S.J. Parikh, and K.M. Scow. 2019. Impact of biochar on water retention of two agricultural soils – a multi-scale analysis. Geoderma. 340:185-191.
Li, C. D.R. Carrijo, Y. Nakayama, B.A. Linquist, P.G. Green, and S.J. Parikh. 2019. Impact of Alternate Wetting and Drying Irrigation on Arsenic Uptake and Speciation in Flooded Rice Systems. Agric. Ecosyt. Environ. 272:188-198.
Carrijo, D., C. Li. S.J. Parikh. and B. Linquist. 2019. Irrigation management for arsenic mitigation in rice grain: timing and severity of a single soil drying. Sci. Total Environ. 649:300-307.
Margenot, A.J., S.J. Parikh, and F.J. Calderon. 2019. Improving Infrared Spectroscopy Characterization of Soil Organic Matter with Spectral Subtractions. J. Vis. Exp.(143), e57464.
Popova, I.E., M.J. Morra, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Pressurized liquid extraction of six tetracyclines from agricultural soils. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 54:35-40.
Margenot, A.J., D.A. Rippner, M.R. Dumlao, S. Nezami, P.G. Green, S.J. Parikh, and A.J. McElrone. 2018. Copper oxide nanoparticle effects on root growth and hydraulic conductivity of two vegetable crops. Plant and Soil. 431:333-345.
Aleta P., S.J. Parikh, A.P. Silchuck, K.M. Scow, M. Park, and S. Kim. 2018. The effect of organic matter on the removal of phosphorus through precipitation as struvite and calcium phosphate in synthetic dairy wastewater. Membrane Wat. Treat. 9:163-172.
Carrijo, D. N. Akbar, A. Reis, S.J. Parikh, P.G. Green, A. Gaudin, C. Li, and B. Linquist. 2018. Impacts of variable soil drying in Alternate Wetting and Drying rice systems on yields, grain arsenic concentration and soil moisture dynamics. Field Crops Res. 222:101-110.
Margenot, A.J., R. Sommer, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Changes in Soil Phosphatase Activities Across a Liming Gradient Under Diverse Long-Term Managements in Subhumid Kenya. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 82:850-861.
Brevik, E.C., K.L. Vaughan, S.J. Parikh, H. Dolliver, D. Lindbo, J.J. Steffans. D.C. Weindorf, P. McDaniel, M. Mbila, and S. Edinger-Marshall. 2018. Trends in Undergraduate Soil Science Education at Selected Universities in the USA from 2009-2013. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 82:295-306.
Igalavithana, A.D., S. Mandal, N.K. Niazi, M. Vithanage, S.J. Parikh, F.N.D. Mukome, M. Rizwan, P. Oleszczuk, M. Al-Wabel, N. Bolan, D.C.W. Tsang, K.H. Kim, and Y.S. Ok. 2018. Advances and Future Directions of Biochar Characterization Methods and Applications. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 47:2275-2230.
Li. C., D.A. Bair, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Estimating Potential Dust Emissions from Biochar Amended Soils under Simulated Tillage. Sci. Total. Environ. 625:1093-1101.
Rippner, D.A., P.G. Green, T.M. Young, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Dissolved Organic Matter Reduces CuO Nanoparticle Toxicity to Duckweed in Simulated Natural Systems. Environmental Pollution. 234:692-698.
Margenot, A.J. Nakayama, Y., and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Methodological recommendations for optimizing assays of enzyme activities in soil samples. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 125:350-360.
Margenot, A.J., D.E. Griffin, B.S. Alves, D.A. Rippner, C.F. Li, and S.J. Parikh. 2018. Softwood biochar can be a substitute for peat moss in soil-free substrates without negative impacts on marigold growth. Industrial Crops and Products. 112:160-169.
Davis, R.A., D.A. Rippner, S.H. Hausner, S.J. Parikh, A.J. McElrone, J.L. Sutcliffe. 2017. In vivo Tracking of Copper-64 Radiolabeled Nanoparticles in Lactuca sativa. Environ. Sci. Technol. 51:12537-12546.
Margenot, A.J. M.M. Pulleman, R. Somner, B.K. Paul, S.J. Parikh., L.E. Jackson, and S.J. Fonte. 2017. Biochemical proxies indicate differences in soil C cycling induced by long-term tillage and residue management in a tropical agroecosystem. Plant and Soil. 420:315-329.
Menicucci, A.J., H.J. Spero. J. Matthews, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Influence of Exchangeable Oxygen on Biogenic Silica Oxygen Isotope Data. Chem. Geo. 466:710-721.
Margenot, A.J., R. Sommer, J. Mukalama, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Biological P cycling is influenced by the form of P fertilizer in a Kenyan Oxisol. Biol. Fert. Soils. 53:899-909.
Bair, D.A., I.E. Popova, K.W. Tate, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Transport of oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and ivermectin in surface runoff from irrigated pasture. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 52:631-640.
Wang, D., S.J. Fonte, S.J. Parikh, J. Six, K.M. Scow. 2017. Biochar additions can enhance soil structure and the physical stabilization of C in aggregates. Geoderma. 303:110-117.
Anderson, C.G., G. Joshi, D.A. Bair, C. Oriol, G. He, S.J. Parikh, M.S. Denison, K.M. Scow. 2017. Use of nuclear receptor luciferase-based bioassays to detect endocrine active chemicals in a biosolids-biochar amended soil. Chemosphere. 181:160-167.
Hafner, S.C., N. Watanabe, T. Harter, B.A. Bergamaschi, S.J. Parikh. 2017. Effects of solid-liquid separation and storage on monensin attenuation in dairy waste management systems. J. Environ. Management.190:28-34.
Griffin, D.E., D. Wang, S.J. Parikh, K.M. Scow. 2017. Short-lived effects of walnut shell biochar on soils and crop yields in a long-term field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 236:21-29.
Hirzel, D, K. Steenwerth, S.J. Parikh. A. Oberholster. 2017. Impact of winery wastewater irrigation on soil, grape and wine composition. Agr. Water Manage. 180:178-189.
Margenot, A.J., B.K. Paul, R. Sommer, M.M. Pulleman, S.J. Parikh, L.E. Jackson, S. Fonte. 2017. Can conservation agriculture improve P availability in weathered soils? Effects of tillage and residue management on soil P status after 9 years in a Kenyan Oxisol. Soil Tillage Research. 166:157-166.
Bair, D.A., F.N.D. Mukome, I.E. Popova, T.A. Ogunyoku, A. Jefferson, D. Want, S.C. Hafner, T.M. Young, S.J. Parikh. 2016. Sorption of pharmaceuticals, heavy metals, and herbicides to biochar in the presence of biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 45:1998-2006.
Wang, D., D.E. Griffin, S.J. Parikh, and K.M. Scow. 2016. Impact of biochar amendment on soil water soluble carbon in the context of extreme hydrological events. Chemosphere. 160:287-292.
Ye, R. T.A. Doane, M.B. Espe, B. Linquist, S.J. Parikh, and W.R. Horwath. 2016. A soil carbon proxy to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from rewetted agricultural peatlands. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 220: 64-75.
Hafner, S.C., T. Harter, and S.J. Parikh. 2016. Evaluation of monensin transport to shallow groundwater after irrigation with dairy lagoon water. J. Environ. Qual. 45:480–487.
Margenot, A.J., F.J. Calderón, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Limitations and potential of spectral subtraction in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of soil samples. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 80:10-26.
Buelow, M.C., L.C.R. Silva, K. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Characterization of Winery Wastewater for Reuse in California. Amer. J. Enol. Viticult. 66: 302-310.
O’Dell, P.J., A.R. Madinoor, S.J. Parikh, and T. Jeoh. 2015. The effect of fibril length and architecture on the accessibility of reducing ends of cellulose Iα to Trichoderma reesei Cel7A. 2015. Cellulose. 22:1697-1713.
Pereira, E.I.P, E. Suddick, I. Mansour, F.N.D. Mukome, S.J. Parikh, K.M. Scow, J.W. Six. 2015. Biochar alters nitrogen transformations but has minimal effects on nitrous oxide emissions in an organically managed lettuce mesocosm. 2015. Biol. Fert. Soils. 51:573-582.
Margenot, A.J., F.J. Calderon, T. M. Bowles, S.J. Parikh, and L.E. Jackson. Soil organic matter functional group composition in relation to organic C, N and P fractions in organically managed tomato fields characterized by mid-infrared spectroscopy. 2015. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 79:772-782.
Wang, D., F.N.D. Mukome, D. Yan, H, Wang, K.M. Scow, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Phenylurea herbicide sorption to biochars and agricultural soil. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part B. 50:544-551.
Suarez, M.D., R.J. Southard, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Understanding variations of soil mapping units and associated data for forensic science. J. Forensic Sci. 60:894-905.
Buelow, M.C., K. Steenwerth, and S.J. Parikh. 2015. The Effect of Mineral-Ion Interactions on Soil Hydraulic Conductivity. Agricultural Water Management.152:277-285.
Mulligan, R.A., S.J. Parikh, R.S. Tjeerdema. 2015. Abiotic Partitioning of Clothianidin Under Simulated Rice Field Conditions. Pest Manag. Sci. 71:1419-1424.
Brevik, E.C., S. Abit, D. Brown, H. Dolliver, D. Hopkins, D. Lindbo, A. Manu, M. Mbila, S.J. Parikh, D. Schulze, J. Shaw, R. Weil, and D. Weindorf. 2014. Soil Science Education in the United States: History and Current Enrollment Trends. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 62:299-306.
Shaw, B.D., J.B. Wei, A. Tuli, J. Campbell, S.J. Parikh, S. Dabach, M. Buelow, and J.W. Hopmans. 2014. Analysis of ion and DOC interference on soil solution nitrate concentration measurements using UV absorption spectroscopy. Vadose Zone J. 13(12). DOI: 10.2136/vzj2014.06.0071.
Nguyen, K.T., K.B. Ita, S.J. Parikh, I.E. Popova, D.A. Bair. 2014. Transdermal delivery of captropril and metoprolol tartate with microneedles. Drug. Deliv. Lett. 4:236-343.
Mukome, F.N.D., A.L.D. Kilcoyne, and S.J. Parikh. 2014. Alteration of biochar carbon chemistry during soil incubations: SR-FTIR and NEXAFS investigation. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 78:1632-1640.
Parikh, S.J., F.N.D. Mukome, and X. Zhang. 2014. ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Evidence for Biomolecular Phosphorus and Carboxyl Groups Facilitating Bacterial Adhesion to Iron Oxides. Colloids Surf. B, Biointerf. 119:38-46.
Parikh, S.J., A.J. Margenot, F.N.D. Mukome, F. Calderon, and K.W. Goyne. 2014. Soil Chemical Insights Provided through Vibrational Spectroscopy. Adv. Agron. 126:1-148.
Kaur, M., K. Ita, I. Popova, S.J. Parikh, and D.A. Bair. 2014. Microneedle-assisted delivery of verapamil hydrochloride and amlodipine besylate. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 86:284-291.
Mukome, F.N.D., T.A. Doane, L.C. Silva, S.J. Parikh, and W.R. Horwath. 2013. Testing protocol ensures the authenticity of organic fertilizers. California Agriculture. 67: 210-216.
Popova, I.E., D.A. Bair, K.W. Tate, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. Sorption, Leaching, and Surface Runoff of Beef Cattle Veterinary Pharmaceuticals under Simulated Irrigated Pasture Conditions. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 1167-1175.
Mukome, F.N.D., J. Six, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. The effects of walnut shell and wood feedstock biochar amendments on greenhouse gas emissions from a fertile soil. Geoderma. 200-201: 90-98.
Mukome, F.N.D., X. Zhang, L.C.R. Silva, J. Six, and S.J. Parikh. 2013. Use of chemical and physical characteristics to investigate trends in biochar feedstocks. J. Agric. Food. Chem. 61:2196-2204.
Mosse, K.P.M., J. Lee, B.T. Leachman, S.J. Parikh, T.R. Cavagnaro, A.F. Patti, and K.L. Steenwerth. 2013. Irrigation of an established vineyard with winery cleaning agent solution (simulated winery wastewater): vine growth, berry quality, and soil chemistry. Agricultural Water Management. 31:93-102.
Winter, S.E., M.G. Winter, M.N. Xavier, P. Thiennimitr, V. Poon, A.M., Keestra, R. Laughlin, G. Gomez, J. Wu, S.D. Lawhon, I. Popova, S.J. Parikh, L.G. Adams, R.M. Tsolis, V.J. Stewart, A.J. Bäumler. 2013. Host-derived nitrate boosts growth of E. coli in the inflamed gut. Science.339:708-711.
Parikh, S.J. and B.R. James. 2012. Soil: The Foundation of Agriculture. Nature Education Knowledge. 3(9):2.
Parikh, S.J., J.D. Kubicki, C.M. Jonsson, C.L. Jonsson, R.M. Hazen, D.A. Sverjensky, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Evaluating Glutamate and Aspartate Binding Mechanisms to Rutile (α-TiO2) via ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations. Langmuir. 27:1778-1787.
O’Geen, A.T., R. Budd, J. Gan, J.J. Maynard, S.J. Parikh, and R.A. Dahlgren. 2010. Mitigating Non-Point Source Pollution in Agriculture with Constructed and Restored Wetlands. Adv. Agron. 108:1-76.
Zhu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, X.H. Feng, B. Ravel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Cation effects on layer-structure of biogenic Mn-oxides. Enivron. Sci. Technol. 44:4465-4471.
Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafferty, T.G. Meade, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Evaluating environmental influences on AsIII
oxidation kinetics by a poorly crystalline Mn-oxide. Enivron. Sci. Technol. 44:3772-3778.
Feng, X.H., M. Zhu, M. Ginder-Vogel, C. Ni, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation of nano-crystalline todorokite-like phase from biogenic Mn oxides. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74:3232-3245.
Shimizu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Molecular scale assessment of methylarsenic sorption on aluminum oxide. Enivron. Sci. Technol. 44:612-617.
Before 2010
Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafferty, and D.L. Sparks. 2008. An ATR-FTIR spectroscopic approach for measuring rapid kinetics at the mineral/water interface. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 320:177-185.
Parikh, S.J., and J. Chorover. 2008. ATR-FTIR study of lipopolysaccharides at mineral surfaces. Colloids Surf. B, Biointerf. 62:188-198.
Parikh, S.J., and J. Chorover. 2007. Infrared spectroscopy studies of cation effects on lipopolysaccharides in aqueous solution. Colloids Surf. B, Biointerf. 55:241-250.
Parikh, S.J., and J. Chorover. 2006. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy reveals bond formation during bacterial adhesion to iron oxide. Langmuir. 22:8492-8500.
Post, D.F., S.J. Parikh, R.A. Papp, and L. Ferriera. 2006. Evaluation of student skills to determine soil morphological properties. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 35:217-224.
Parikh, S.J., and J. Chorover. 2005. FTIR spectroscopic study of biogenic Mn-oxide formation by Pseudomonas putida GB-1. Geomicrobiol. J. 22:207-218.
Parikh, S.J., J. Chorover, and W.D. Burgos. 2004. Interaction of phenanthrene and its primary metabolite 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid with estuarine sediment and humic fractions. J. Contam. Hydrol. 72:1-22.
Rabenhorst, M.C., and S. Parikh. 2000. Propensity of soils to develop redoximorphic color changes. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:1904-1910.
Other Publications
Winfield, E. and S.J. Parikh. 2020. Climate-Smart Agriculture: Biochar Amendments. California Climate Hub, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Climate-Smart Agriculture Fact Sheet Series: 4. here
Margenot A.J., F.N.D. Mukome, K.W. Goyne, F.J. Calderón, and S.J. Parikh (Invited). 2017. Soil analysis, applications of FTIR spectroscopy, In J.C. Lindon, G.E. Tranter, and D.W. Koppenaal (Eds), Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, 3rd ed. Elsevier., Vol. 2, Elsevier, Oxford. pp. 448-454.
Parikh, S.J. (Invited Contributor). 2016. Chapter 14: Regional Assessment of Soil Changes in North America, In Status of the World's Soil Resources, 2015, FAO, Job Number: I5199.
Mukome, F.N.D. and S.J. Parikh. 2015. Chemical, Physical, and Surface Characterization of Biochar. In Y.S. Ok, S.M. Uchimiya, S.X. Chang, and N. Bolan (Eds), Biochar: Production Characterization, and Applications. CRC Pres, Boca Raton, FL.
Parikh, S.J. 2015 Book Review of Soil and Water Chemistry: An Integrative Approach, Second Edition. Bsy Michael Essington. Soil Science. In press.
Parikh, S.J. 2014. Book Review of Introduction to Soil Chemistry: Analysis and Instrumentation. Second Edition By Alfred R. Conklin, Jr. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 78:1828.
Mukome, F.N.D., L. Emberson, L., S.J. Parikh. 2013. UC Davis Biochar Database: open access source of biochar characterization data (
Before 2010
Post, D.F., S.J. Parikh, R.A. Papp, and L. Ferriera. 2007. Improving soil morphology skills through self evaluation. CSA NEWS 52:30-31.
Parikh, S.J., 2006. A spectroscopic study of bacterial polymers mediating cell adhesion and mineral transformations. Ph.D. Dissertation, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Parikh, S.J., 2001. Interactions of phenanthrene and degradation products with estuarine sediment and extracted humic substances. M.S. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
Parikh, S.J., and J. Chorover. 1999. Humic substances and water soluble materials in turfgrass growth media. Dave Smith, FERTL Soil, Kennett Square, PA.
Thomas, E., Parikh, S.J., and E. Young. 1997. Soil testing methods for site specific farming. Miner Institute Farm Journal. Oct. 1997.